Archive for biomimicry

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Mussel Power – New Self-Healing Sticky Gel

Via Eco | Interface

Calera: Making Cement The Way Coral Does

Mother of Invention

A very nice slideshow

Image also via the link

The Year in Biomimicry: How Beetles, Mantis Shrimp & More Inspired Innovation

See story on Greenbiz
Image: Katharina Fritsch via Matthew Marks Gallery

Sharklet technologies

“Since the discovery of bacteria, conventional thinking has led people to kill microorganisms to control them. Yet, overuse and abuse of antibiotics, disinfectants and other kill strategies have contributed to the creation of superbugs such as MRSA and others commonly found in hospitals and the general community. As biocidal approaches have made bacteria stronger, new strategies are needed to manage bacterial growth while contributing to an overall healthy environment to protect people. Such a solution may be found in Sharklet™.

Sharklet is a simple solution for a complex problem. The patented, microscopic pattern manufactured by Sharklet Technologies creates a surface upon which bacteria do not like to grow. The Sharklet pattern is manufactured onto adhesive-backed skins that may be applied to high-touch areas to reduce the transfer of bacteria among people. Sharklet Technologies is also developing Sharklet-patterned medical devices including a Sharklet Urinary Catheter to help reduce hospital-acquired infections.” From website:

Biomimicry: Copying our way to conservation

Biomimicry: Copying our way to conservation from HabitatSeven on Vimeo.

Algae compound in coral could be mimicked for novel sunscreen

Image: (cc)

Tropical coral could be used to create novel sunscreens for human use, say scientists

Researchers at King’s College London have discovered how coral produces natural sunscreen compounds to protect itself from damaging UV rays, leading scientists to believe these compounds could form the basis of a new type of sunscreen for humans.

“Plastic “Tree” Uses Biomimicry to Convert Atmospheric CO2 into Green Gasoline”

Geoengineering Carbon from Energy NOW on Vimeo.

Via Clean Technica

Nature’s marketplaces can parallel those of humans

Image Wikimedia Commons – Medicago littoralis, photo prise au Barcarès (France, Roussillon) en avril 2005 © Jean Tosti

Study reveals nature’s marketplaces can parallel those of humans

World financial markets may be reeling from new setbacks, but it turns out there’s a secret economy right under our noses and it’s thriving. The movers and shakers, however, are plants and fungi.